August 7, 2008

Shipwreck of the Desdemona, Cabo San Pablo, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

The shipwreck of the Desdemona occurred in 1986 in Cabo San Pablo, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. No more information available. The wreck looks great.

coordinates : 54°17'52.92"S 66°41'58.06"W
google map

pictures sources :
Asado Argentina


  1. see that curiosity
    54° 17' 52.92", -66° 41' 58.06" (-54.298033, -66.699461)

    What is it?
    I think it is a whale, looks at the movement of the water ...
    is near the ship abandoned.


  2. here is more on the subject, translated from

    it happened on a cold winter morning in the winter of 1983; a huge boat beached itself on the beaches of the Aregentine sea.

    between the rivers Ladrillero and San Pablo.

    It used to transport all types of things, and when it beached it had a cargo full of hundreds cement bags that rest in its interior today like mummies.
    it frequently served from the coast of Campana to Tierra del Fuego, passing through the ports of Comodoro Rivadavia and Río Gallegos. it is believed that the beacing was caused by a stron water currents, and a weighed down hull that caught on the sand bar. however, according to several testimonies, the owners of the boat ordered the captain to cause it to run agrouns, and thereby be able to collect on the insurance.

    that is all i was able to find, hope it helps!
    Tyler S
